Saturday, November 29, 2014

Ferguson Response

I wish that I had been keeping up with the Ferguson events that have been happening, more diligently. I understand what is going on and it is a hard thing to talk about because everyone has so many different opinions. I think that rioting is never a good idea. These people are destroying their own town and ruining the lives of so many innocent people who are losing their businesses. Nothing is being accomplished. Riots like this one start out of anger and a drive to change an injustice. But it has quickly turned into mayhem, where no one is being heard. I read a post on twitter (I forget who wrote it) that said if these people want any kind of change from society or the law enforcement, then they should stop looting and take the steps towards becoming lawyers and police officers to change what they don't want. I really liked that mind set because it gives people a sense of empowerment, that they CAN change things. These riots aren't going to do anything execpt ruin a town, hurt people and breed more anger and violence.

1 comment:

  1. I think that the "sense of empowerment" you're talking about is a really dangerous thing. I remember hearing about the first few days of the Occupy movements on the radio and thinking anything was possible. I was a financially destitute BSU commuter working as a carpenter- everyone at work was pumped that people were finally going to do something about the issues we knew were inherently wrong. People were in the streets, protesting openly corrupt financial practices and were receiving a lot of attention from the media. A couple weeks later, Occupy turned into an all-you-can-shoot heroin buffet and the protesters were being cordoned off accordingly. I always get a little sad when I think about that time- it feels like a dream now.

    One things If you're going catch and embrace feelings of outrage, you need to have a plan. You can't just be wil'n'out without an actual plan. Action without premeditation is chaos.
